I am not a fan of Bollywood movies, for most of those don’t sell good stories, they just brand actors. That is probably the reason why production houses spend so much on promotions. There is nothing wrong in that. A majority of Indian movie watchers don’t step into the cinema halls to fry their brains on some twisted storyline, its more often a hangout, an escape from the already tensed everyday life. This a reason why generations after generations fall for fairy tales, everyone feels out of the world for some moments. A lie, so blissful that we find it hard to leave behind unless we run a risk of being a laughing stock. All this would prove to us why fancy is the food of cinema, a motion picture of the daily life of the common man would fancy no one. But my complain today is not on viewers but filmmakers. It's easy to cash on popular stars. Easier to get some cars blown and hired fighters beaten up. But all these are Pabulum. Your visitors will like the dish, bu...