Let's begin from the end. The concept of ‘Chi’ . This as our dear Po realises lies in knowing the true identity of a person. The idea of chi is not finding a definition that fits you, rather recognising that true nature is a culmination of various personalities. Then comes the powerful concept of inner-peace or being at ease with oneself. As Po learns, inner peace is getting rid of the mental block, be it in the form of experience, disabilities or even fear. And once you are a master of your self, only then you can take up the most challenging task and do that with ease. Finally, the dragon warrior . What makes one the dragon warrior? Is there a secret recipe? The answer is your belief (funny is not it ? now do you believe in dragons ). Once you know what you are and you are in peace with yourself, the only step required is the complete believe that you can do it. You see it was never the superhuman abilities, Kung-fu is the art of mastering any ski...