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Showing posts with the label inequality.

mansplaining Feminism.

What if a large part of your life was determined when it started. I am not talking of something random as fate. This is a socially enforced stigma that comes with your gender. Doesn't your blood boil at such a designed mal-conduct? You can not wake up one fine morning and say it's over. Let's all be equal over the land these sunrays reach, and so shall it be. We must dig deep into the circumstances that have brought us here and decide how to proceed. History : Like all arguments stretched, let's find some history with our ancestors. Although many hunters made the probability of a fulfilling dinner higher, at one point in time, our ancestors decided to specialise. One part of the head was to be a "hunter" and the other "gatherer". This is where biology played an important role. Mainly because one of the sexes was far too necessary for continuing the human race, later months of pregnancy and natal care forced half of the population to have a sedentary ...

War at the doors.

A powerful line from the character, Ra's al Ghul, in the Batman Begins; " With Gotham, we tried weapon of a new kind - Economics". The prowess of the tool called economics is perhaps unknown to most, even the best the field. Sometimes the Nobel memorial prize has been given to two directly conflicting theories, just to remind you how well we can measure the success of economics as a science.  So today, I would love to describe how is this tool being employed in modern warfare. Of the most significant consequence of globalisation, is the emergence of multi-national agglomerates and institutions. Since the barriers to trade and money flow (both technological and ideological) are being lifted off by the day, businesses have expanded beyond frontiers and developed a new sense of world identity. Although nationalism, is at its peak, there is a clear sense of transfer of control to businesses all over the world, as they have a say over one of the powerful resources of the ...