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Is Covid, the Chernobyl of China.

In a powerful piece which challenges the earlier established trust within the virology researchers, Dr Nicholas Wade has put in a few arguments that we cannot afford to overlook. He points out the practise of developing virulent in-vitro strains for a gain of function, to have counter-action ready in case nature puts us in trouble. However, we probably ran into trouble in this double agent game, and what is to blame is still unclear. Is it the human error, the risk-taking nature of the scientific community or the plethora of lies that were spun to misguide the world?

The consequences of the latter are more lasting than the former. Science experiments gone wrong is the narrative that has fuelled dystopian sci-fi thought for years. We could have, in a sense, brought virology under the same scanner as that of nuclear proliferation, given the deaths that are today attributed to the covid. This is more concerning because science is an easy target and hasn't been a particular political lobby. We know what happened to nuclear programs after the Chornobyl calamity, and the covid is turning a similar page in history.

Now that I brought up Chornobyl, there are consequences to politics and even to the fate of a state that we need to be concerned about. Maybe we could look at a similar leftist regime with a powerful propaganda machine and an aim to take over the world. In fact, China today stands amid a scramble for world power when countries are forced to choose a side. Its massive economic development has made a compelling case for a world superpower, but covid could be the Achilles heel. With deaths in every country, even allies of the red dragon have to go back to the public red-faced if China is treacherous in its covid transparency.

All of this is speculative, but with more and more evidence mounting on a man-made virus side, China's image is jilted. Was the Wuhan wet market a scapegoat for the essential failure of a state establishment? Did the Chinese government go out of its way to meddle with WHO and thus bring out a preventable pandemic? How comfortable is the world in allowing China to take the place it claims? Let's end with a few lines from the web series, Chernobyl, " Every lie told bears a debt on the truth, and someday, the debt shall be paid."

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